19 April 2010

Path Room / Hata Lo + Arvo Tsai

Our reader Hata Lo shared with us this small landscape-installation, in an exhibition room, with Taiwanese artists Arvo Tsai. You can read a little brief after the break, along with more photos of their work.

This is the first time I worked together with the artist Arvo Tsai. After being faced with the empty room, we simply thought it’s not only a showroom but something more. We are interested in how things change with the interference of time. For us, interfering means an artificial process of changing and disappearing.

We used a lot of fallen leaves to cover the interior ground randomly then arranged green fresh leaves artificially as linear lines on the faded leaf-ground. In the beginning, the very clear linear patterns are visible for the viewer, but with the passing of time the green leaves will wither and fade. The linear lines will be no longer visible, and the green leaves finally are going to be as familiar as the other.
All artificial lines gradually become part of the whole.

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