10 June 2010

Site Plan

Located at Howard Smith Wharves, the main studio building is located at the northern side of the site which is just near to the cliff. The building provides interacting space with the cliff with can allow people to communicate with the natural environment.

The riveredge is extend and create a relaxing riverwalk. The old shed is converted to a restaurant which have the best view of the river. A ferry terminal is also added to allow more access to the site.

Floor Plan

Ground Floor Plan
The ground floor is the main entrance of the building together with public functions. When you get into the building, you can easily find the reception and the way to other levels.
The educational space and kids area is just beside the green lab which can have more interaction to the kids for a informal education.
The carpark is located at the western side in order to avoid any circulation of vehicle to the building. The cafe is located at the courtyard area which gives a more relaxing enviroment. It is also near to the cliff elevator which can attact more people to get a drink when they arrive to the building.

First Floor Plan
Level 1 is a more private space compare to ground level. The western side of level 1 is a individual studio space for designers. The rooms face to the Brisbane River and the green roof is just outside the studio. It gives a more natural environment to the designers and a relaxing feelings for producing ideas.
The other side of level 1 is a exhibiton hall. It is designed to have two storey height which give a more vertical experience to the guest and also allow more natural light to get into the space. On the other hand, the two storey tall space can also interact with the student studio at level 2 which provide a more funtional spatial quality.

Second Floor Plan
Level 2 is a private studio space for students to work in. The studio is in curved shape which can get as much river view as it can. On the other hand, the shape can also represent the river that respond to the context. The student studio space is connected with the exhibition space at level1 which allow student to exhibit and show their works
The western side of level 2 is a green roof which can allow people to leisure and relax.

1 June 2010

Green architecture – self-sustainable media wall in Beijing

The polycrystalline photovoltaic cells are laminated within the glass of the curtain wall and placed with changing density on the entire building’s skin. The density pattern increases building’s performance, allowing natural light when required by interior program, while reducing heat gain and transforming excessive solar radiation into energy for the media wall.
